Gaus Universal Battery Tester GUBT60V250A
Programabilni laboratorijski ciklusator za ispitivanje litijumskih baterija
• Naponski opseg 0-60V
• Struja punjenja/pražnjenja 0-250A
• Napajanje 3x380V 50Hz, izlazna snaga 15kW, 10 punjačkih trofaznih modula i 10 pražnjačkih modula u paralelnoj sprezi, HF pretvarači
• Ciklusiranje u podesivom broju ciklusa
• Dimenzije ŠxVxD 620x1800x500mm
• Merenje ukupnog napona baterije, struje punjenja/pražnjenja i 2 kanala za merenje temperature baterije.
• Rezolucija merenja i regulacije 12bita, 25mV i 62.5mA za ukupan napon baterije i struju sa šenta 250A 60mV kl. 0,5. U paralelnoj vezi 4 uređaja sa opsegom struja do 1000A rezolucija merenja ukupne struje je 250mA, za ukupan napon baterije i struju sa šenta 1000A 60mV klase 0,5.
• Izbor tipa baterije, LiIon (3 do 14 ćelija), NiMh (10 do 40 ćelija), NiCd (10 do 40 ćelija), Pb (6 do 24 ćelije).
• Pražnjenje disipativno
• Podsistem za ćelijski monitoring napona sa dvosmernom komunikacijom, Master-Slave i Slave-Master, programiranje karakteristike punjenja, uslovljavanje i prilagođavanje u zavisnosti od merenih vrednosti…
• GUBT60V250A može da radi samostalno ili kao slave u paralelnoj vezi sa još do 3 uređaja GUBT60V250A. Dakle, moguća konfiguracija za struje punjenja i pražnjenja do 1000A.
• Rezolucija podsistema za monitoring ćelija 12 bita, dakle 1.25mV (opseg do 5V/cell).
Technical specifications for Cells monitoring system and software description:
• Prebuilt alarms for critical parameters for battery protection
AD conversion specs:
• Registration time from 0.1s to 5s
• Voltage resolution 12 bits / 5V (1.25 mV resolution)
• Charge/Discharge current 12 bits /250A (62.5mA resolution)
• Temperature 12 bits /1000C (0.25C resolution).
Overall device specs:
1. Device is equipped with full operational PC which is pre-built into device itself which makes
it stand-alone full operational system.
2. System can be connected to a network and accessed by any of conventional software like
TeamViewer, VNC, Anydesk etc.
3. Dedicated software preinstalled on device's PC is responsible for full programming and management of
whole system control.
Software capabilities:
1. Visual programming of charging/discharging process
2. No limit in number of steps in test program
3. Node based visual interface
4. Complex operations are achieved by graphical linking of nodes into execution process network tree
5. Generating custom actions based on triggers from the system
6. Monitoring of battery voltage, charging/discharging current, battery temperature (2 sensors), each cell monitoring, 50 channels…
7. Graphical and table reports, descriptions, marks, testing programs, comments, CVS…
Supported triggers:
1. Temperature above level or temperature below level
2. Relative voltage difference of any of cells with respect to others with determined threshold
3. Battery voltage above level or voltage below determined level
4. Charge/Discharge current above level or below determined level
5. Specific amount of time is elapsed
6. Specific energy level reached (Ah)
7. Optional (Custom triggers on user request)
-Actions are visual, node based conditional branches which control flow of execution depending on trigger condition
-Command nodes for starting charge, discharge, pause or stop operation with custom parameters